Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Solving Insecurity - give us guns !!

Let us also be allowed to carry guns. Priory, these gun totting bastards were only interested in money. We excused them. We said that the government was not creating enough jobs. The idiots have evolved. They are younger, more sadistic and gruesomely brutal. Men and women alike are being raped with impunity; mouths are being blown off for fun. Kalashnikovs have replaced toy pistols and G3s …The antidote is but only one. Let us allow ordinary wananchi to arm themselves so they are in a position to act in self-defense. Why?

1) The thugs have upgraded their weaponry, so why shouldn’t the rest of us? As of 2002 when I left Kenya,. My father had the following arsenal to protect his family (ranking is in ascending order, starting with the most primitive …)

· Two buckets of stones
· A walking stick cum “sword” (you know them wazee walking sticks that have a sheath hiding a poisoned blade … it’s the closest thing to a sword I have seen)
· A bow and set of arrows
· An 8-foot long spear – this is the crème de la crème of our arsenal. The efficiency of this particular spear was demonstrated back when I was in form 4. Thugs attacked our house for the first time. The window grills were no match for a big-ass stone that these guys used. Luckily, and unbeknownst to them, they attacked the wrong window, right where my father slept – one ear alert to the demons that lurked outside. The first smash paralyzed woke my sisters up and paralyzed them with dread. My mother meanwhile went into her default defensive mode, she started praying in tongues. My father went to war, imbued with divine courage that ebbed from my mother’s incantations and coursed through my father’s blood. With the second smash, the window came crashing down. It was now an empty space. The cold breeze whispered eerily into the house, as if aware of the impasse that loomed. My father did not wait for the bastards to make their move. Luckily, the thugs were not wielding guns. None of them had the courage to get the shaft first, and that is probably what saved us …

+ Obviously, close combat has now taken on a whole new meaning in Kenya. One would almost rather be patrolling the streets of Baghdad than be faced with Kalashnikov vs Machete Battle. What if they rape you in front of your kids? That would be the end of your manhood. Rather a painful death than that ignominy. GIVE US GUNS. If they come to our houses, may the best man win. But they will have trepidation, and if you realize they are there before they enter your house, they better have brought body bags with them …+

2) People will not resort to using guns to resolve domestic squabbles. Generally, this is true. How many homes do you know that don’t have a machete? Yet, how many people slash each other every day? Not that many.It is within acceptable statistical range. And even if machetes were not there, these exceptions would still strangle whoever they wanted to harm. What would you then? Cut off their arms?? Well, obviously you haven’t seen Jack Bauer in a sizzling episode of 24, tearing OUT another man’s jugular with his bare teeth, hands tied behind his back … and spitting it on the ground like it was “gikorora” …

3) Still for those who are only satisfied by raw data, it is instructive to point that it hasn’t been established that possessing guns raises the level of crime. Sweden, the most heavily armedSociety in the whole world has a population of 9 million, there are (2006) 656 000 persons who legally own about 2 million weapons: 959 000 rifles, 726 000 shotguns, 122 000 combination hunting weapons, 88 000 pistols, 55 000 revolvers, 3 000 full auto weapons and 78 000 extra barrels and other parts you need a permit for. The age limit is 15.* Besides, we are always crowing about how we Kenyans are peaceful, let us put this to the test …

4) The police are scared of the thugs. Some police are thugs. Police are being killed by thugs. Politicians have a convoy of bodyguards, all totting automatics. So who is to protect the common mwananchi?

5) By golly !! Men are being raped!!!


* Thanks Dr. Matilu Mwau for the stats*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a sad state of affairs and I agree with you. If the gvt isnt going to take care of us, than we must take care of outselves by any means neccesary.

1:14 PM  
Blogger jm said...

yes indeed. those jamaas will have to think twice b4 jacking mats. and breaking into houses. get their damn heads blown to tiny pieces ...

1:23 PM  
Blogger egm said...

I have to admit that I am not the biggest fan of guns. But after reading the news yesterday, I say arm me with one of these as my weapon of choice. Emotions run high now, but when all is said and done, that seems to be one way out of this nightmare. These thugs would think twice before carrying out their madness.

2:17 PM  
Blogger kenyaonly said...

Thats true, that whole idea of stocking the bedroom with mawe from reliii is not working anymore considering what this thugs are now working with. The government has failed to protect the citizens, Kibaki has continued to nyamaza, as usual u can never trust the police and the neighbor might be the thug malizaring you......yea lets get armed and as you said when they attack let the best equiped man win and you know rarely do you loose in home ground

2:18 PM  
Blogger jm said...

@ egm: lol, am not sure i can handle the recoil on those bad boys of yours, alternatively you might wake up to find you destroyed one side of the house lakini if that thing hits bulls eye, the itamaliza reconfigure someone's DNA ...

@ Kenya Only: Kwanza confidence ya wezi comes from knowing they are stocked and the guys they are attacking are not. Otherwise, adrenalin is the same, and i bet kikiumana,if ur famo. is on the line, walahi i am dropping someone bila remorse...

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am afraid, but guns will not solve the problem. The increase in violent crimes in Kenya is as a result of economic disparity and the rising frustration of the jobless and the poor,..as I have said elsewhere, Nairobi has one of the largest income disparities (gaps) in the world.

2:36 PM  
Blogger jm said...

@ Kenya Imagine: to absolve the criminals is not only irresponsible but also sinful and deserving the wrath of God. Human beings are endowed with a conscience - what does shooting people in the mouth, killing and raping have to do with income disparity. If your argument was pure, then these guys would only be interested in money to "close the income gap" but nay - they are possesed by lustful and sadistic spirits whose appetites will not be whetted until there is pain,misery and blood.
Conscience my Kenyans ... conscience...

2:49 PM  
Blogger egm said...

@KenyaImagine. True, guns are not the solution. There is a much deeper problem that is manifested by this violence. These underlying issues are what need to be resolved. With that said, it is getting to the point where I do want to be protected against marauding thugs, income disparities or not. When it comes to them deriving almost sadistic pleasure from their brutality, that is when I stop feeling anything for them. Maybe if conditions were right, they would never have turned out this way. But then again, maybe not. We'll never know. What we do know is what has happened. Lives cut short by the blood-lust these thugs have. This is a complex situation.

2:55 PM  
Blogger jm said...

egm: i could not have put it any better. thx.

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Given the current situation, its a RIGHT to own a firearm!

BTW: Was going through the firearms act at kenyalaw.org and came accross this:

"No person... shall sell, transfer, purchase, acquire or have in possession ... any weapon of whatever description designed or adapted for the discharge of any noxious liquid, gas or similar thing or of any electrical charge...".

Crap, that includes mace and tasers!

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess there's always the good old bow and arrow. I've seen this thing do some serious damage in the right hands.

3:06 PM  
Blogger jm said...

69M: now that you mentioned the law ... since one would not be legally liable if they terminate a life under conditions of self-defence, i dare say it'd only be fair to level the playing ground under which this "act of self-defence" can materialize otherwise hiyo clause haimake sense yoyote ...

3:09 PM  
Blogger 3N said...

In the long run the answer is not arming everyone but with the thugs shamelessly killing, raping, mutilating with no regard to humanity I say forget the long run and level the playing field today.
Arm Kenyans until the government can prove they have crime under control.
Hopefully Kenya doesn't become like SA where they had over 18,000 murders last year alone.

3:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

3N: To the contrary, I think its the long term solution, in addition, to other measures. Citizens need to have the right to own firearms, with harsh penalties for misuse to act as deterrent.

3:38 PM  
Blogger mama shady said...

hmmm, im half and half on this one.i see youre point man, and seeing as we're both potential rape-ee's i understand the fear.the thing is if my child was being raped gun or no gun, i wuld want to do something. so what places me in a better position to do that?
but ok, say we all get guns, are peoople goin to be trained to use them ama it will be one of those stories of aim and shoot!heh! then , ya, we all get guns, knowing kenyan thugs, as you said they are sadistic and brutal, they'll probably just up their game. then we'll have an all out war on our hands, sophisticated weapons galore, where innocent kenyans will die with the thugs.
the problem with this is that we cant restrict these firearms to reasonable persons. the market is open to the thugs as well.
then i think, whats the alternative? long term, we can only try and raise kids who have values and raise people out of poverty. I dont know when this will happen.
im undecided.

5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%. I lived in South Africa for 7 years and all my South African friends, both men and women had guns for protection. I felt a sense of security with them. My housemates-South Africans and Zimbabwe had guns too. When I went to sleep, I knew if any 'totsies'-thugs came knocking our door, there was enough guns in the house to sort them out. Kenya should open shooting ranges like in South Africa so that Wanainchi can learn how to shoot. If the gover takes too long to sort this mess out, Wanainchi might result into buying illegal firearms to protect themselves. LEGALISE IT

6:09 AM  
Blogger odegle said...

Kenyans, lets stop baby sitting the govt! why do we always want to protect these thugs and let them get away with ineptitude. We must hold our leaders accountable. providing security is their responsibility! final. no two ways about it. it doesnt help to be linient with these guys. thats why they take our taxes and thats why they run the prisons.

you cannot have everyone get guns its impractical. you will then have kids shooting their own bros and sisters while at play and so on. and dont tell me you will lock it since if you will then how will u get it out when required?

Kibaki and his crew got to get their act together and work! if they cant then they can walk full stop!

8:38 AM  
Blogger jm said...

@ anonymous: i feel you

@ odegle: 100% i agree that the gova has failed us with regard to security. but in the meantime, si we are entitled 2 defend ourselves in equal measure? if not these majambazi will finish us ...

9:15 AM  
Blogger Sue said...

I think, even if we say we all cant have guns, at the end of the day most of us will, one way or another... For instance some agent was tellin me hiring a gun for a day from City Council is around a K so like you would get one if you wanted..
I would prefer we all have guns to protect ourselves...coz we cant have one half with guns and the other without yeah...
Same case to text books in a school... would you rather 1/2 the class has or the whole class has... looking at consequences...
Since the govt. seems unable to handle its/our matters I guess it's time we took it to our hands...
And am sorry to say we have to work from the inside to be able to win a race between thugs and police...
Kenya is all different from the Peaceful country we used to know.. Its time to revive that peace or we're gonna end up like some countries I dont wanna mention coz I dont even know them...
I love the post...

3:57 AM  
Blogger jm said...

@ Sue: I feel you, i was reading the Nation jana and saw they killed yet another father and son. It's getting outa control.
Thx. 4 stopping by ...

8:02 AM  
Blogger Klara said...

Insecurity around here is increasingly gettin worser..& yes maybe it's time we did somthin

4:45 AM  

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