Finally ...
fabuloso profondamente!!
jeez am soo glad ...
I just took my first crap since Sunday night - and it's now Friday. I thought I was sick or sam' serious like that ... unadulterated liberty!
Labels: freedom at looong last
Half-genius, Half-insane.
fabuloso profondamente!!
Labels: freedom at looong last
Yaani you are so relieved that you just had to share THAT!!!
How many kilos have you lost?
Dear Jesus!
Please help Mwangi
@MB --- AMEN! AMINA! And then some.
From not being able to hold it in to not being able to let go of it. You guy, you have some serious problems.
I join Movie Buff in prayer.
LOL..Yaani, what's funny is I was just telling a friend that since I became a mom, the pethoz have just disappeared..I would've been soo disgusted by such a post, lakini now I'm just happy you got relief..when a child is constipated, you get to celebrate bowel movements sababu you just want them to be comfortable and happy..
I hope you'll add more fibre to your diet now..
@Bishop Movie Buff: si you lead us in prayer for our dear Brother Mwangi? Lets all join hands and bow our heads...
With two posts on shiit recently you should start a soccer team and name it:
Shonde United
Please movie_buff lead us in prayers.
@3N: LOL!! I hear their line will be THE BEEF itself!
ROFLMBAO...been there man n glad u got relief!!!
3N,Arch-funny ati Shonde united led by the Beef hehehe
*joining the circle and holding hands in prayers led by MB.
Correction: I meant their line up will be the beef itself. firmly sure modo n boyflani are not alone.
Did it flash ama uliforce na maji kwa ndoooo?
nice blog....thanks for stopping by mine
@Bomseh, kaa hizi za mwas seems aliita janitor na pump....LOL
Prayers bado?
@Bomseh, kaa hizi za mwas seems aliita janitor na pump....LOL
Prayers bado?
Lighter on our feet now, are we?
@ all:
Thanks for the prayers and wishes ... am definitely a tad lighter now!!
In engineering we would say the cyle Time and threshold of the station was very low . need to re-calculate the Cp.
"Free at last Free at last Thank God all mighty free at last"
"there comes a point when...when we exhale yeah yeah say...shoop"
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