Of Dogs and Christmas
Maybe I am just plain dumb, may be it is cultural ignorance, or perhaps a proportionate combination of both. I am incredulous that people will go to any lengths to please their pets. Seriously , do you think a dog merits special gifts to commemorate the birth of Jesus? I was thoroughly amused to receive an e-mail from my buddy, who was asked for advise by a mzungu:
"now x-mas is almost here,, need to get a present for my dog,, its really stressing me out,, i dont know whether to get him lil booties,[or] a coat,, or this really cute diamante leash,, or a china dish,, or what,,mmhmm dilemna dilemna,, u got any ideas?"
I am not suggesting that they should instead donate that money for charity in Africa or whatever, merely questioning the notion that a mere mongrel can usurp the position of upright walking homo sapiens as a companion.
Would I be overreacting if I suggested that this borders towards abhorrent?